Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rhythm of the Day: Class Schedule

Morning: Eat a good hot breakfast

8:45a Walk in Noble Silence down Mystical Path Observing the Changes of Nature, organize personal items on their hooks and cubbies, Free Play in Cedar Land

9:15a Greet Teacher at the "Gate" of the Garden Circle with a Handshake, Eye Contact, and "Good Morning Teacher"
        Morning Verse        Centering Movement
        Class Song

9:30a Main Lesson Outside:
                 Practice Previous Lesson through Movement, Speaking                 Learn New Lesson through listening to Story

10:00a Enter Yurt for 2nd part of main lesson.  (To write in our books)
10:45a Snack:
                 Wash Hands
                 Offer Gifts to Fire, Air, Water, and Earth Fairies:
                          (Light Candle with Song, Ring Bell, Present Water and Food samples on Fairy Dishes)
                 Song of Blessing and Gratitude for Food
                 Serve Food (Grain of the Day)
                 Eat with Joy and Reverence

11:15a 1st Lesson (Eurythmy, Flutes, Japanese, Flutes, Japanese)

12:00p 2nd Lesson (Farming, Crafts, Music, Crafts, Gardening)

12:45p Lunch and Forest Play

1:45p Gather in Garden Ring for Gratitudes, Verse, and Goodbye Song

2:00p Greet Parents at the Gate, go home and rest, play a bit, rest, eat healthy

7:00p Story, Song, and Bedtime: Sleep for 11-12 hours