Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pressing Cider

As the Autumn approached, our great apple tree shared its bounty with us by daily dropping pounds of apples.  The children used their working hands picking these up and sorting them into eating apples, pressing apples, and compost.  I brought in the cider press piece by piece over a period of a week as their anticipation built.  Finally, we pressed our apples into deliciously sweet and slightly tart cider!  They chopped the apples, filled the press, worked together to turn the crank, hold the pitcher and The children noticed the complex different color, texture, and flavor of the cider as compared with store bought apple juice.  Most thought it was delicious!  All were proud of their achievement.  We saved jars of cider for Lulu and Zen who were sick, and for Ms. Oana, our Eurythmy teacher, who donated Eurythmy shoes to everyone!