Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Garden Greetings

Garden Greetings,

I am extending a warm invitation to any parents and grandparents that would like to come together on Friday's at JEAN's farm to work in community on the school garden projects that will be ongoing throughout the year.  We plan to converge in the garden at 9am after drop-off to co-create a beautiful space of love that flourishes with food, flowers, medicinals and invites all fairies, bees, birds and land helpers.  We will work until pick-up, so you can drop-in at any point.

Growing food and stewarding the land as a community is deeply nourishing and we can accomplish so much together!  I invite you all to bring the skills, passion, ideas, and just you to experience to power of togetherness and its expression in the land. My hope is that this time is to just take a break from any stress in our lives to just enjoy the beauty the earth offers us in the moment.

I will be teaching a "garden lesson" on Friday's to the children and would love anyone that is interested in being a helping hand in the activities planned for the day.  You do not need to have any experience.  My hope is to share the knowledge I have of this land (I lived at JEAN's for 5 years and was the farm manager for 3!)  and my knowledge of growing food with not only the kids but with anyone who wants to learn more.  I also hope to create a space where everyone that participates can bring their own intuition/ideas/inspirations into the experience, including and especially the children.

Looking forward to playing in the dirt with you!

Megan Hubbs
Rylan and Juniper's Mama


  1. Thank You For This Lovely Invite! Bella Read This. :D

  2. Looking forward to the Friday I have free to join you on the land :)- Meganne

  3. Thanks so much, Megan for sharing your gardening skills with us! : )

  4. I will be doing my best to join on Fridays as well. Thank you so much for organizing .
