Saturday, September 28, 2013

Parent Evening Oct. 2nd (7-8:30pm)

Parent Evening Oct. 2nd (7-8:30pm)
It is our great honor to welcome Judy Russell, from the HANDLE Institute, to speak at our first Adult Education evening.  She will be speaking about behavior, neurodevelopment, sensory development and challenges, and therapeutic movement.  She will also be visiting our school that day and observing our classes at circle and playtime so that she can give the teachers suggestions about different types of movements that will be therapeutic to add into our activities each day in order to serve the needs of the children in our classes.  Mother Earth School is paying Judy for her time, and we hope to recover a bit of that money by opening her evening talk up to the public and asking for financial donations.  Please know that any donation that you can give will be helpful, but you are not required to give anything, as we want to encourage all families to attend and will not turn anyone away for lack of funds. 

She has offered to conduct individual assessments for the grades children at a highly reduced cost of $50 each(they are normally $350.)  She'll be at Jean's Farm on Friday October 4.  Please bring me a check for $50 this week or a letter if you are not financially able to cover the fee.

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