Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to the First Grade!

Our children are entering a new time in their lives.  They are ready for new adventures, challenges, and stories.  How will we meet them?  How can we show them we recognize their newly emerging abilities to form inner pictures?  How can we conduct ourselves as role models worthy of their respect and admiration?  How can we share our individual gifts while forming a cooperative community to provide the support they deserve?

We are fortunate to be able to enlist the help of the living land.  We can look to the forest, the farm, the creek, the sky, the city and the classroom as well as the stories.  They are the Teachers.  How do we help the children stay in right relationship with them?  We will use our hands to tend the land and craft new creations.  We will develop our hearts by experiencing the joys and challenges of social life, the beauty of the land, and the wonder of stories.   And we will begin to let our heads remember the secrets of numbers, letters, forms, colors and movement.  And it's going to be FUN!

For information about our school, please visit:
Mother Earth School

Can you help me to create and beautify this blog?  I'm looking forward to future posts including photos  of our work and the land, stories we are telling, ways to get involved, and much more!

Also, please comment on each blog as you read them with "read" and your name.  For example: "Teacher Frankie read this."  See the comments at the end of this blog.

Teacher Frankie can be contacted at: