Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Directions to Jean's Farm (Mother Earth School East Portland Site)

Directions to Jean’s Urban Farm from Portland 
** Please note that Jean’s Farm is a private residence and is not open for drop-in visits.   Visits to the farm are permitted at scheduled open houses and by appointment only**

If you have confirmed arrangements to visit Jean’s Farm, the address is
3707 SE Johnson Creek Blvd
By Car -
Take Hwy 99E toward the Tacoma St exit (Sellwood neighborhood)
From the exit head East on Tacoma St.
At the stop sign, turn Left on Johnson Creek Blvd
Parking is available roadside in the neighborhood South of Johnson Creek Blvd.  From there it is a short walk to the farm.   There is no on-site parking for Jean’s Farm – street parking only!!  For alter-able access, please email or call ahead of time to make arrangements.  
Turn Right onto 36th Ave, 40th or 41st and park, then walk down to farm (see below).  Please be mindful that you are parking in a neighborhood.  Please do not block driveways or make unnecessary noise.  We are committed to being respectful to those who are affected by our school’s parking.  As long as the neighbors welcome our presence, we are able to run our programs at Jean’s Farm.  
Walking Directions down to farm
From 36th Ave there is a crosswalk to cross Johnson Creek Blvd. Then, walk to the Right/East past the mailboxes.  After a section of wooden fence you will see black chain link fence and then a gate with a sign that says ‘Jean’s Urban Farm’.  You have arrived! From 40th or 41st you will walk to the Left/West on Johnson Cr. Blvd. until you get to the black chain link fence. Please do not ever attempt to park at this gate.  It is an active driveway for the landowner.  Only foot traffic is permitted down the driveway.  Please also be sure to close the gate behind you.   Follow the gravel drive down through the woods.  You will see a sign that points to a set of stairs on the right which leads down to the farm.   Please do not continue on the driveway past this sign, as there is a private residence at the bottom of the driveway.  From the stairs, there are paths that lead to the farm.  Enjoy this magical walk, and if your visit to Jean’s Farm is scheduled in the evening hours, please bring along a flashlight or headlamp for extra light.  
By Bike - The Springwater Corridor bike trail runs right behind Jean’s farm just on the other side of the creek. From the convergence of the bike trail at 45th and Johnson Creek Blvd go up the hill (west) on Johnson Cr Blvd, the farm will be on your right once you pass the intersection of  40th and Johnson Creek Blvd. Bikes can be parked just inside the gate (careful not to block the driveway) as you walk down to the farm. (See walking directions above)
By Bus - Tri-met bus line 75 runs down Johnson Creek Blvd.   Get off at 36th Ave and follow the walking directions above.