Please excuse the redundancy and quantity of information in this preparatory period, but there is new essential information here so thank you for reading it thoroughly and responding to .
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first meeting. If you were unable to attend, not to worry! Here is a summary:
1. CLOTHING: For questions about clothing contact Sarah Page at
She is putting together a bulk discounted order with Skandikids before Sept 15
Wool socks, wool long underwear tops and bottoms, hats, waterproof boots, waterproof gloves, and durable waterproof pants and jackets are essential for your child's warmth and health at outdoor school and therefore are mandatory.
Puddlegear (Abeko) carries the most durable, repairable, waterproof clothing in our experience and their gloves are especially important as ski gloves are not waterproof and are difficult to put on and take off.
Bogs boots has graciously donated boots to us again this year so please email me with your child's size (size up, maybe try them on at REI first)
2. PARKING, DROP OFF AND PICK UP: Please be especially mindful of the neighbors during parking and drop off. Decide among the parents who will be parking on 36th and who will park on 40th. Stay clear of driveways. Arrive no sooner than 8:50 and leave no later than 9:10am in the morning. In the afternoons our parking window will be 2pm-2:20pm.
The code to the gate is 8888. After the code is dialed, push up then pull down on the lock. Close the gate behind you and wait quietly well inside the gate so we're not visible from the street or audible to the neighbors.
If your child can walk down the mystical trail in silent observation and listening like a fox, then they can walk it with a buddy, you don't need to be with them (except for the first 3 days.) We will walk up the trail as a class at the end of day and meet you at the top, inside the gate, of course.
4. FLUTES: Choroi pentatonic flutes are essential instruments for our class. Please email me if you'd like one to keep for a $65-105 donation. We have a limited number of borrow flutes for folks with financial need, please email me if you're interested in borrowing a flute for class.
5. FIELD TRIPS: Beginning in mid October and continuing for 8 weeks, we will take a field trip every Tuesday as a class. We will have main lesson early (9-9:30am, in lieu of movement and farm chores) and then walk, ride, or bus to a local park, garden, wilderness area, or community building for nature or social immersion and service work. Some ideas include Oaks Bottom, Tryon Farm, Johnson Creek, library, Bob's Red Mill, and local crafts folk and artists (i.e. carpenters, blacksmiths, textiles, musicians, painters.) Please let me know if you'd like to accompany us.
6. FIRST DAY of school: (Wednesday SEPT 4) Please arrive at 8:45 and walk your child in silence down the mystical trail to the apple tree field where we will sing a song in a circle at 9am sharp at which time all parents will leave and your children will begin first grade! Please help me to cultivate a mood of awakening to first grade as different from early childhood in that they are now ready to begin learning many secrets that adults know. You can tell them what you do in your day to day life (and adventures) and how numbers, letters, nature stories(science), and social cooperation help you in those activities. This is essential. Of course, they will be held in a mood of dreamy warmth and security, as well. Onward to adventure!