Friday, August 30, 2013

First Parent Evening Summary

Please excuse the redundancy and quantity of information in this preparatory period, but there is new essential information here so thank you for reading it thoroughly and responding to .

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first meeting.  If you were unable to attend, not to worry!  Here is a summary:

1. CLOTHING:  For questions about clothing contact Sarah Page at

She is putting together a bulk discounted order with Skandikids before Sept 15

Wool socks, wool long underwear tops and bottoms, hats, waterproof boots, waterproof gloves, and durable waterproof pants and jackets are essential for your child's warmth and health at outdoor school and therefore are mandatory. 

Puddlegear (Abeko) carries the most durable, repairable, waterproof clothing in our experience and their gloves are especially important as ski gloves are not waterproof and are difficult to put on and take off. 

Bogs boots has graciously donated boots to us again this year so please email me with your child's size (size up, maybe try them on at REI first)

2. PARKING, DROP OFF AND PICK UP:  Please be especially mindful of the neighbors during parking and drop off.  Decide among the parents who will be parking on 36th and who will park on 40th.  Stay clear of driveways.  Arrive no sooner than 8:50 and leave no later than 9:10am in the morning.  In the afternoons our parking window will be 2pm-2:20pm.  

The code to the gate is 8888. After the code is dialed, push up then pull down on the lock.  Close the gate behind you and wait quietly well inside the gate so we're not visible from the street or audible to the neighbors. 

 If your child can walk down the mystical trail in silent observation and listening like a fox, then they can walk it with a buddy, you don't need to be with them (except for the first 3 days.)  We will walk up the trail as a class at the end of day and meet you at the top, inside the gate, of course.

3. CAMPING TRIP:  Timothy Lake Camping Trip Details  Please email me soon if you'd like to attend.

4.  FLUTES:  Choroi pentatonic flutes are essential instruments for our class.  Please email me if you'd like one to keep for a $65-105 donation.  We have a limited number of borrow flutes for folks with financial need, please email me if you're interested in borrowing a flute for class.

5. FIELD TRIPS: Beginning in mid October and continuing for 8 weeks, we will take a field trip every Tuesday as a class.  We will have main lesson early (9-9:30am, in lieu of movement and farm chores) and then walk, ride, or bus to a local park, garden, wilderness area, or community building for nature or social immersion and service work.  Some ideas include Oaks Bottom, Tryon Farm, Johnson Creek, library, Bob's Red Mill, and local crafts folk and artists (i.e. carpenters, blacksmiths, textiles, musicians, painters.)  Please let me know if you'd like to accompany us.

6.  FIRST DAY of school: (Wednesday SEPT 4)  Please arrive at 8:45 and walk your child in silence down the mystical trail to the apple tree field where we will sing a song in a circle at 9am sharp at which time all parents will leave and your children will begin first grade!  Please help me to cultivate a mood of awakening to first grade as different from early childhood in that they are now ready to begin learning many secrets that adults know.  You can tell them what you do in your day to day life (and adventures) and how numbers, letters, nature stories(science), and social cooperation help you in those activities. This is essential.  Of course, they will be held in a mood of dreamy warmth and security, as well.  Onward to adventure!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Call to Folk Handy with the Needle!

Who would like to make and donate crayon rolls for our new grades children by September 4?  Email to let me know!

Here's a photo and link:

How to Make a Crayon Roll

Grades Parent Handbook

Please familiarize yourself with this guide:

Home Visits Monday 8/26-27

I would like to ask for an invitation to your home.  I'm interested in anything your child wishes to share with me about the space they are most comfortable in.  I simply wish for a more well rounded picture of who they are as I guide the class and create curriculum and I wish for them to sense that interest in their teacher.  It could put them more at ease about the coming school year, as well, especially if we are working to relate with each other with as much ease as possible!  Thank you so much for this opportunity!

You can click on the following link to make an appointment for our home visit.

First Day of School 9/4

Our first day of school is September 4 at 9am sharp.  Please park at 36th, 40th, or 41st Ave. at 8:45am so you can be at the gate at 8:50 and walk down to the school by 8:55.  That will give us time to sing all together before the parents leave promptly at 9am and drive/ride away no later than 9:10am.

It's ok for your child to have a sense of mystery and awe on this first day.  We've all met each other and the land so if you trust fully in bringing them to our school your children will sense that.  It will be all the better if they arrive unrushed, bellies full of warm, healthy food, with their lunches and proper clothing and materials (please see parent handbook.)

We'll be exploring harmonious sound by playing Choroi Pentatonic Flutes  We will be offering them for a donation of $65-105.  (65 is what we pay, 105 is what they cost at the store.)  They make an excellent gift.  We may be making flutes ourselves later in the school year, but these particular flutes are ideal for learning and will become heirlooms with proper care.  They are made in part by folks with special needs for purposes of therapeutic education.  Here's a video on their production:

Let me know if you're unable to make the donation, and we can arrange for your child to borrow a pentatonic flute.

Directions to Jean's Farm (Mother Earth School East Portland Site)

Directions to Jean’s Urban Farm from Portland 
** Please note that Jean’s Farm is a private residence and is not open for drop-in visits.   Visits to the farm are permitted at scheduled open houses and by appointment only**

If you have confirmed arrangements to visit Jean’s Farm, the address is
3707 SE Johnson Creek Blvd
By Car -
Take Hwy 99E toward the Tacoma St exit (Sellwood neighborhood)
From the exit head East on Tacoma St.
At the stop sign, turn Left on Johnson Creek Blvd
Parking is available roadside in the neighborhood South of Johnson Creek Blvd.  From there it is a short walk to the farm.   There is no on-site parking for Jean’s Farm – street parking only!!  For alter-able access, please email or call ahead of time to make arrangements.  
Turn Right onto 36th Ave, 40th or 41st and park, then walk down to farm (see below).  Please be mindful that you are parking in a neighborhood.  Please do not block driveways or make unnecessary noise.  We are committed to being respectful to those who are affected by our school’s parking.  As long as the neighbors welcome our presence, we are able to run our programs at Jean’s Farm.  
Walking Directions down to farm
From 36th Ave there is a crosswalk to cross Johnson Creek Blvd. Then, walk to the Right/East past the mailboxes.  After a section of wooden fence you will see black chain link fence and then a gate with a sign that says ‘Jean’s Urban Farm’.  You have arrived! From 40th or 41st you will walk to the Left/West on Johnson Cr. Blvd. until you get to the black chain link fence. Please do not ever attempt to park at this gate.  It is an active driveway for the landowner.  Only foot traffic is permitted down the driveway.  Please also be sure to close the gate behind you.   Follow the gravel drive down through the woods.  You will see a sign that points to a set of stairs on the right which leads down to the farm.   Please do not continue on the driveway past this sign, as there is a private residence at the bottom of the driveway.  From the stairs, there are paths that lead to the farm.  Enjoy this magical walk, and if your visit to Jean’s Farm is scheduled in the evening hours, please bring along a flashlight or headlamp for extra light.  
By Bike - The Springwater Corridor bike trail runs right behind Jean’s farm just on the other side of the creek. From the convergence of the bike trail at 45th and Johnson Creek Blvd go up the hill (west) on Johnson Cr Blvd, the farm will be on your right once you pass the intersection of  40th and Johnson Creek Blvd. Bikes can be parked just inside the gate (careful not to block the driveway) as you walk down to the farm. (See walking directions above)
By Bus - Tri-met bus line 75 runs down Johnson Creek Blvd.   Get off at 36th Ave and follow the walking directions above.

Tuition Payments due August 15

If you have any concerns about finances, bills and statements, you can contact Maralena at or Traci Jo at .  Please make tuition payments in the form of "Bill Pay" rather than "direct deposit".  Mail all checks to Mother Earth School P.O. Box 82124 Portland, OR 97282.  We're not able to receive checks by hand.

I trust that all deposits in the amount of $500 and materials fees in the amount of $200 (totalling $700) have been mailed to the PO Box.  They were due at the time of enrollment and are required for your child to begin class on September 4.  They pay for land use, insurance, teacher and ED salaries, and the materials your child will be using.

Tuition payments were due on August 15 and are due by the 15th of each month.  Late fees will be assessed beginning September 15.  Please contact me if you are unable to stay up to date with your payments.

Teacher Frankie's Office Hours

I'm looking forward to healthy communication with you all!  I'll hold office hours M-F after class from 2:30-4 when I'll be checking my emails, responding to phone calls, and available to speak in person.  Keep in mind I'll also be cleaning, preparing, and planning during this time and may be with another parent or teacher.

Drop off and pick up times are good times for brief, warm greetings and well wishes rather than questions, concerns, and conversations.

I most appreciate emails and voicemails in the form of questions that leave space for response.

I find that children hold the Truth in the form of a Story.  I always strive to listen fully to their story and hold it as true, while bearing in mind that an adult might view the same situation quite differently.  I ask you to experiment with doing the same with them, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have concerning their reports on the school day.

If you have any concerns about finances, bills and statements, you can contact Maralena at or Traci Jo at .  Please make tuition payments in the form of "Bill Pay" rather than "direct deposit".  Mail all checks to Mother Earth School P.O. Box 82124 Portland, OR 97282.  We're not able to receive checks by hand.

Please direct all other emails concerning our class to

Please do not send mass emails directly to the parent body.  You can send them to me and ask me to forward them to the parent body, if you feel it's necessary.

All School Parent Evening Potluck Thursday 8/29 6:30-9pm

Our First Parent Meeting
Our very first all school parent meeting will take place on Thursday, August 29th from 6:30-9:00 pm.  This will take place at the Nature Center Pavilion at Tryon Creek State Park.  We will begin the gathering with a potluck and clothing exchange, which will be a wonderful opportunity to connect to the school community!   Please bring clothing that no longer fits your child or that you would simply like to pass along to other families.  This includes old pairs of Bogs Boots that no longer fit.
We will be discussing clothing and needed gear for the children, details for our upcoming camping trip, and other important information to help everyone feel prepared for the beginning of school.  Please make sure to have at least one parent in attendance, as much will be covered in this first gathering together.  Please RSVP your class teacher so that they know who will be able to attend. Thanks and we look forward to seeing everyone there!

Jean's Farm Work Party August 24 9am-4pm

We are holding a Work Party at Jean's Farm on Saturday August 24 from 9-4 pm!

Let's develop our relationship with the land, the school, and each other. We will work in shifts from 9am-1pm and 12pm-4pm with a potluck lunch from 12pm-1pm. Please email me at to RSVP with the shift you'd like to work and dish you'd like to bring. Work gloves and clothes are recommended and children are warmly welcome! We are wishing for tall, beautiful bookshelves, and rubber bins or wooden furniture that can be used as cubbies to hold our changes of clothes.

Simple Calendar for Grades Families (At Least 1 Parent/Guardian is Expected to Participate in These Activities)

Welcome to the First Grade!

Our children are entering a new time in their lives.  They are ready for new adventures, challenges, and stories.  How will we meet them?  How can we show them we recognize their newly emerging abilities to form inner pictures?  How can we conduct ourselves as role models worthy of their respect and admiration?  How can we share our individual gifts while forming a cooperative community to provide the support they deserve?

We are fortunate to be able to enlist the help of the living land.  We can look to the forest, the farm, the creek, the sky, the city and the classroom as well as the stories.  They are the Teachers.  How do we help the children stay in right relationship with them?  We will use our hands to tend the land and craft new creations.  We will develop our hearts by experiencing the joys and challenges of social life, the beauty of the land, and the wonder of stories.   And we will begin to let our heads remember the secrets of numbers, letters, forms, colors and movement.  And it's going to be FUN!

For information about our school, please visit:
Mother Earth School

Can you help me to create and beautify this blog?  I'm looking forward to future posts including photos  of our work and the land, stories we are telling, ways to get involved, and much more!

Also, please comment on each blog as you read them with "read" and your name.  For example: "Teacher Frankie read this."  See the comments at the end of this blog.

Teacher Frankie can be contacted at: