Movement is a central aspect of our class.
Here is one of the movement sequences we practice every day:
The morning sun slowly rises (Laying on stomachs, Arch backs like a cobra)
Out squiggle snakes of all sizes
Wiggling squiggling by the brook (Wiggle on ground)
Hush be still (Finger on mouth)
take a look (hand over eyes)
a lizard (plank push up position)
scurries beneath a log (Scoot backwards)
ribbet, ribbet out hop the frogs (two foot leap into squat, then frog jump reaching high)
widdling waddlng to and fro
out come the ducks all in a row (duck walk)
around the meadow the swift deer run (Run in lemniscate)
under a golden shining sun (arms over head in a circle)
On the branch closest to the sky (reach high, arms together, on tiptoes)
an eagle leaps (jump up and land on one foot, arms stretched wide)
and begin to fly (jump and land on other foot, stand on one foot, arms wide)
then lightly touches down (both feet down)
without a sound (arms down at sides and quiet)
(There are many movement sequences we practice throughout the day, this is just a sample.)
and these are some of the skills I'm observing and working with in each child's development throughout the year (let this be a guide, never a cause for worry):
Sense of touch
Is comfortable being hugged, tickled, getting dirty or messy
Doesn’t mind different kinds of clothing
Has beginning sense of social boundaries
Sense of life
Not unduly restless or lethargic
Uses limbs vigorously and actively
Enjoys moving furniture and heavy objects
Is willing and engages in movement activities for 15-20 minutes w/o fatiguing
Sense of self-movement or Proprioception
(Body position as experienced through tension in joints and muscles)
Maintains physical boundaries (i.e., doesn’t bump into people or things)
Stands upright during verse and speech work
Sits upright at desk
Sense of Balance or Vestibular Function
Walks a beam, log, or line forwards looking straight ahead
Bunny hops (both feet together)
Balances on one foot with eyes closed
Hops on either foot
Stands on one leg
Beginning to skip and gallop
Jump rope: pass through front door; w/one beat of rope; w/specific number of jumps then out; jump to ‘Teddy Bear’; run through w/partner; jump w/partner; jump over stationary rope getting increasingly higher; pass under rope to 10” from ground.
Rolls, leaps dodges, and runs smoothly
Sits on chair without rocking back and with feet on floor
Comes to quiet stillness physically and maintains that posture for 2 minutes.
These lower senses build three capacities in the child –
Sensory integration (of four lower senses)
Demonstrates normal amount of movement, wiggling, tipping, bumping, touching, and squeezing (showing that an average amount of sensation is sufficient for his sensory systems)
Participates fully in movement activities
After a required and reasonable time is given to rehearsal, is able to execute these movements with ease and coordination
Accomplishes two tasks simultaneously, such as claps and says rhyme
Beginning abilities with working, sequential, short-term memory skills as seen in mental arithmetic and dictation
Stays on task and quiet for a period of 15-20 minutes
Visual-spatial processing and orientation
Knows and moves easily on the above/below and front/back spatial planes to build an internal map of what is where in their body and in their world
Identifies and copies simple geometric drawings while exhibiting proper pencil grip.
Climbs easily and with confidence
Knows left from right
Shifts gaze from one object to another, from blackboard to paper
Head stays steady when reading
Tracks moving object with eyes without jumps
Visual-motor integration
With increasing focus and concentration
Executes simple geometric form drawings
Writes letters and numbers as taught
Demonstrates smooth eye tracking when following a finger with eyes only
Kicks a medium-sized ball accurately
Throws a ball or bean bag to each other
Throws and catches bean bag/ball with one hand
Bounces ball
Aims and precisely throws bean bag into basket from 2’ away.
Does not distract or need inordinate amounts of help or redirection
Bi-Lateral Coordination and Dominance
Crawls correctly
Has good body awareness and good gross motor skills
Crosses vertical midline shown through executing hand clapping or feet jumping games with crossing
Has established hand preference
Body geography
Homolateral movement of the body, uses right hand to touch body parts on the right side of the body to the middle
Fine motor
Use fingers dexterously (sew, finger knit, finger games, cuts with scissors, ties shoelaces, buttons, zips)
Opposes all fingers to thumb precisely with eyes open or shut
Shakes hands w/ thumb separated from fingers
Has appropriate pencil grip
Auditory motor
Sings and moves at the same time
Says rhymes and chants with clapping rhythms
Auditory or Language processing
Identifies separate sounds
Able to pay attention to one voice or sound
Attends to, understands and remembers stories he has heard or read
Follows sequence of 2-3 directions
Responds to others’ questions, stays on topic
Creates rhymes and sings on tune