They the story of Little Tuppen which includes a cow generously offering her leather to make shoes: http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=baldwin&book=fables&story=tuppen
The 3rd grade was studying textiles this year so they shared an account of how leather is made with our class. Later, we also heard the Grimm's story of the Elves and the Shoemaker. It's a story about how the elementals help a hard working craftsperson who gives his trust and effort to the world, even in difficult circumstances. http://www.authorama.com/grimms-fairy-tales-39.html
We sang our shoemaker song while we worked.

During our letters block, we played with all the sounds that help us in our work. During our numbers block, we counted stitches, discovered the twoness of our feet as we stand upright, counted by twos forwards and backwards, stepped our numbers, and played many other number games in preparation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which we will explore in February.
We're looking forward to wearing them while we jump rope in the Spring!
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