2. Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare,One more seed is planted there:Give up your strength the seed to nourish,That in course the flower may flourish.People, look east and sing today:Love, the rose, is on the way.
Before snack we spoke the second verse as we lit the second candle:
“The second light of Advent is the light of plants–
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.”
The class heard the story a story I adapted about a Robin seeking shelter, a proud maple tree, a despondent willow, a flexible cedar, and a generous doug fir. The robin missed the southerly exodus and was looking for shelter for the winter. The willow and the maple refused and thus lost their leaves while the cedar and the doug fir invited her in and thus were allowed to keep their greenery. The robin's heart was warmed so much her breast turned red and she didn't need to fly south for the entire winter any more.
This was a big week for many of the children because this week they received their own whittling knives. I told the story of the star children and the story of the earth children. Those who were at Mother Earth School for kindergarten had previously passed through the stages of being moon children (4 year olds), sun children (5 year olds), and star children (6 year olds.) Star children learned the ways of knife safety. Our class was taught knife safety by the Cedars (2nd/3rd graders.) They speak the following verse before checking their "blood circle" and then withdrawing their knives:
This marked their transition from star chidden to earth children, which is the name we chose for our class. They are finally putting their feet on ground as they go through the 6 year change. This is evident by their drawings of themselves and also can be sensed when we watch them interact with the world. Those who received their traditional steel fixed blade knives with a finger guard at their kindergarten graduation were now allowed to bring them to school. Those who hadn't were guided one by one ceremonially to the forest where they found their knife in the gnome home among the roots of the "birthday tree" hidden under some moss.
They spent the week whittling their apple branches into knitting needles to celebrate the realm of the plants.