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Fox song
Kocchi kara kitsune ga dete kitayo ( watch the fox come out from over here)
mimi oogokasuyo piku piku piku (let's wiggle the ears)
mae o mooite konichiwa ( face forward and say hello)
kon kon kon kon sayonara (say goodbye to the fox now)
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Clap with one finger
ichi(1) no hakushu ichi no hakushu (what does it sounds like if you clap with 1 finger)
kikasete kudasai donna oto?
(repeat the above refrain with 2-5)
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Rock, Scissors, Paper
goo choki pa de (what shall we make with rock, paper, scissors)
goo choki pa de
nani tsukuro nani tsukuro
migite ga goo de hidarite ga choki de katatumuri (make a rock with your right hand and scissors with the left to form a snail)
(the rest is just variations on this theme of making different things with rock, paper, scissors, like a swing, tent, etc.)
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